Sunday, May 5, 2019

Phone Message Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Phone Message Questions - Essay Example volition allow me to pull up the patient file which result give me an idea of what kind of unwellness the patient is confabing about and what her business with the doctor might be. If I am lucky, the patient interpret will also have a contact numeral for the patient in case the call gets dropped.After securing what I consider to be the two most important questions to be asked of a patient, I will then ask for a contact number and the reason for the call. The contact number should coif in as the 3rd bit of information to be provided to me because I need a recollection number just in case our conversation gets cut. Having completed the phone verification process, I will now be able to get down to the other matters c at oncerning the call provided the call has not been dropped yet.I will then ask about the reason for the call or how I might be able to help the patient. If need be, I will confirm that the patient is using a cellular phone bef ore I patch her through to her physician. I will give her a admonition that if her call is disconnected, I will call her back and reconnect her since I have her current contact number on hand. Otherwise, I will be more than happy to forward her message to her physician once he becomes

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