Monday, May 6, 2019

Management case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Management case study - Essay shellMark, who described to his classify up members about group dynamics and team effectiveness. Enough time needed to be provided in order to understand each other and proper co-ordination among the team members is of paramount importance. The group drawing card Mark gave a proper direction and scrutiny to its team members. For the effective undertaking of this seance, proper co-ordination among the team members was essential. Working in a group is more dynamic as well as dispute than doing things on ones knowledge. Motivation attend tos to improve the morale of the team members. Thus, the group leader needs encourage the team members to achieve the goals that they make up. It is also necessary to provide a clear idea to the members about the group norms. The goals shall be achievable through team efforts of the group members. Team spirit and effective communication are the identify factors behind the proper implementation of the norms of the group.Along with group dynamics and team effectiveness, proper leadership and inspection are necessary for the retreat groups conquest. Effective training and development programs are also necessary. The members of each group are different from one another on the basis of their knowledge and skills. They come from different environment and are mainly from three locations. While undertaking the session, Mr. Mark, the group leader maintained the group systematically, by arranging seating properly for the team members, and discussed their ultimate goals. The major goals of the team members were to accumulate competitive power, take in the essential quality to cope with other groups, reach the best in sports or athelitical activities, running around 25miles, and the like. The group also aimed at developing a sound atmosphere. As the retreat session went on, it could be clearly evaluated that the group was developing in athletic efforts, rather than those of academicals. When the fi rst week of the training session ended, the participants of the group were called to undertake a self evaluation. Even though the group members knew each other, their strength and weaknesses, and so on, they were reluctant to charge each other. Both academic and athletic programs of Marks group were good enough, but it false out to be the worst when compared it with those of competitors. Mr. Mark was worried, because he was responsible for developing effective steps to outmatch those problems an effectively. After a few days gap, Mr. Mark planned another procedure known as get a line X, by dividing the group members in to two, i.e. six members each. This project aimed at evaluating the capability and skills of the group members. This project would help in analyzing whether the group members will be able to tackle the problem, and their ability to provide a resolve for it within the stipulated time period. But the Marks group performed badly, which made the group leader quiet dis appoint. The goals so set by the group remained unachievable. The leadership qualities of Mr. Mark were not remarkable. And the members were unable to derive the goals. The members of the group consist of their own personal merits, but there is a lack of group or team effectiveness to attain these goals. More than this, after the failure of Project X, the group decided to modify the goals on the basis of success and failures attained by them. The Marks group was unable to

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