Saturday, May 4, 2019

Mid Term Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

mid(prenominal) Term - Essay Example2. The novel is a book written in prose where the writer tries to subject a picture of ordinary life. The novella is considered a go arounder piece of prose, also referred to as a short novel. The difference between them is not the content which can range from the different genres of fiction romance or history, but the size of the deed. Thus, both the novel and novella seek to present a prose piece of work that is different only in its size.3. Tolstoy presents his timbre in a light that is despicable for the reader. This character limn can only be drawn because of the sequential turn of events in Ivan Ilychs life. The momentum fit out up by the writer is vital in achieving the true goal of the story a divine revelation into the life of Ivan Ilych. Had the story been written differently with the colleagues and wake scene being given last the epiphany that is see too Ivan would have been lost. The story allows for the reader to better understa nd the characters change in opinion about life.4. The suspicion of the novel originates from the readers desire to better understand the cerebrate behind Ivans death. As the story continues the reader notices the suffering in Ilychs life. While the character had to understand his lifes failures now its coupled with physical pain which worsens with his loneliness and hatred. The suspense is created with because of the beginning which makes the reader wonder will Ivan reconcile with his death or will the story closedown happily.5. An instance of the torment Ivan puts his family through is evident in his widows description of his last old age He screamed unceasingly..Oh what I have suffered A grieving widow should remember the good qualities sooner she chooses to remember the relentless nights she suffered with her husbands illness. Peter Ivanovich on the other hand is mortified by the idea of death itself death was an accident natural to Ivan Ilych but certainly not to

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