Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Michael Anthony is the writer of Enchanted Alley and Drunkard of the ri

Michael Anthony is the writer of Enchanted Alley and inebriate of the riverMichael Anthony is the writer of Enchanted Alley and Drunkard ofthe river. He was born in Mayaro in 1932, in Trinidad. He claims, My desire was to write about something I knew and experienced. TheShort level The Drunkard of the river is based on the lives of afamily that he knew though the tragic ending is made up. EnchantedAlley is one of two stories set in San Fernando by Michael Anthony,it is based on a young boy and the people he encounters during the early on hours of the morning on his way to school. Michael Anthony spenta childhood year and many of his adolescent years in San Fernando.There are rational differences in, The Drunkard of the River andEnchanted Alley. The Drunkard of the river has a depressingatmosphere and feel. The main character is insulted and not taken intoconsideration eventually it makes him feel insignificant and ends upmurdering his father. Characters in the story are referred to animalcharacteristics The lion in him had changed into ...

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